Kez has a passion for life and an incredible desire to encourage all whom she passes in this life to tell their story. But this only came about by many unexpected learning curves. In her Forties Kez realised the power of motivation and in her role as a head tutor of a private school she began to introduce this to her students. The classes grew until she was requested to write an instruction manual, which she did, to her surprise the education department jumped on board and published it, to distribute to other work employment agencies and schools. Then due to circumstances, Kez left her much loved teaching position to once again be an at home Mum to her teenage family, becoming a Nana plus carer for her aging parents. It was at this time that Kez was invited to be part of a panel discussing the power of motivation, here she met a wonderful lady who was the CEO of the Arthritis / Fibromyalgia society.
Kez became a motivational speaker at these meetings and co-ordinater loving the mix of many minds in the management of pain in many fields of technical, medical and holistic. Her path of self-discovery was fast, when her husband was diagnosed with Bowel cancer, all work stopped, becoming his carer. Again, a conversation with another woman piqued her interest in how oils can heal emotions. She began studying workshops in Aromatherapy, the nurses that looked after her bed bound husband, became her volunteers on how mixed oils can deliver relief in stress and anxiety, with joy she gained her diploma. However, her dream of being an Aromatherapist were shattered. When she was diagnosed with post-polio and PTS, so rest, plus using her knowledge of massage, aromatherapy, motivation, she began to write, a children’s book of short stories. The known publishing house’s she sent manuscripts to sending her rejection notes. Disappointed? yes. However, while recouping, Kez had found abstract art and poetry. She flourished so with the help of another holistic colleague who promoted her work, she received orders from two private collectors. When the decision to move to Australia was made Kez was in her late 50”s, she left with such mixed emotions, leaving family behind in New Zealand, her husband now well, and working in the Pilbara. West Australia.
It was one careful lonely step after another, but when Kez celebrated her 60th birthday it was her poetry and creative writers’ group that gave her a high tea to celebrate, not only her birthday but she had become a published author. Kez flourished in this atmosphere of creativity with her prose & poetry, art, exhibitions. Since then, Kez has been the instigator of many corridors internationally where people can explore writing, art and poetry. Today at 73 years of age she loves every lungful, she is a bestselling international author, teaches abstract art & wildflower art workshops, a public speaker and popular Mentor. Her Motto “just be the best version of who you are today, the rest will follow”.