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The 40 Over 40 Project | Christine 46

40 over 40 Perth Women

I’m Christine – 46 years old – and embracing my age! 

Signing up for Sharon’s project was easy. Well, reality hit the first time in the studio. I’m sure all of you readers know that Sharon is not easy to satisfy – chin forward and slightly down, bum & chest out, etc. It finally happened after cramps and sweats (not sure if that’s age-related), and I’m stoked with the result. Thank you for being patient and bossing me around! 

Struggle number two hit when sitting down and catching words describing how I feel about my age. And, I need to admit, thank you, Sharon, again. It is the first time I put a more profound thought into it. 

What is a mature woman? 

For me, a mature woman is a self-aware female who tries to focus primarily on personal growth. She doesn’t try to destroy others with her insecurities. Instead, she’s a well-rounded example of what “being a lady” is all about. Mature Women don’t obsess over minor flaws because they’ve accepted their shortcomings. They’ve become comfortable with who they are, no longer trying to compete or prove a point. They’re solid, sophisticated, and, believe it or not, pretty sexy too! 

Being mature isn’t all about age either. After all, age is nothing but a number. 

The quota I’m taking out of this project is:

Embrace your age and accept yourself for the person you’ve become as you grow older. It includes accepting your physical appearance, energy levels, and emotional maturity.

But foremost; Have fun – follow your path – don’t worry, be happy – keep old friends & make new ones – relax, reflect and be sexy!

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