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Denise | The 40 Over 40 Project 2nd Edition

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I have always known I was “born into service to mankind”. How lucky to have this knowledge for as long as I remember.

In my 20 years of facilitating healings, and more recently offering an “Authentic Life Guide” programme, I have seen that most women don’t step into their “power”, or authentic selves until they know themselves. And with family and social expectations and conditioning from birth, most people don’t know their authentic self. 

Along the journey of my own life, there was domestic violence, an unwanted pregnancy, an expectation to “become” what my parents expected, a cousin being murdered by an unwanted admirer and more!

I kept secret being raped when I was 17 and just starting Year 12, which contributed to an unfair execution of my opinion on most of the men I encountered for several years thereafter.

My ex-husband’s parting words to me were: “You are so weird, you will die a lonely old woman!”.
Haha! “Not happening”, I thought!
Finally released from the invisible shackles of a control-freak, I fully showed up in the world as “me” for the first time.
It was only aged 44  after two abusive marriages and continuing to fit into the mould of family expectations, that I said “I am done pleasing others”.
Time to step wholeheartedly into my authentic self and be of service.

It was at that point, after my second husband dumped me after 19 years (thank the goddess he did. I would hate to spend my life with somebody who doesn’t love me), that I met my current partner in 2012, the man who is my heartbeat, and whose pure love has made me flourish and shine.

For the first time in my life I was sharing my life with someone who accepted me fully in my authenticity rather than judging me for being “weird, different and non-conforming”, a judgement which I have had all my life!

I am so very grateful for all the people who have been my teachers along the way. Those whom I admired, and those who have shown me how I don’t want to show up.
At the end of each day, it is I who has to look into my eyes, and I am accountable for each and every interaction I have with others.

Living through years of abuse, submissiveness and menopause all contributed to life experience and growing me into the healing facilitator and woman I am today.

I treasure all of life’s experiences, and my wish is that every woman finds her own unique and authentic voice and expression in the world, so that she, too, may live life in health, with clarity and joy whilst shining her inspirational light.

My purpose is to help others heal, and I love showing up with passion and purpose for my beautiful clients.

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